So let's kick this off with a mission statement: I have no idea what the f@#k* I'm doing.
That is to say, I'm not starting this with a particular theme or focus. As you might glean from the title, I'm probably going to talk a lot about comics; between trying to get more serious with my illustration work and just generally what media I'm consuming at the moment it always comes back to comics for me. But more than anything I just kind of wanted to write, write anything about anything. I had my Twitter account (accounts, now) as kind of a go-to mind-dump, but I find it generally leads me to write less because of it, forcing my entire thoughts on things into one or two 140-character blocks which gets my opinion Out There but also negates my ability, or at least the need, to expand on those thoughts. I'll still drop random observations and one-liners on the Twitter feed but starting this as a chance to get my thoughts out long-form and stretch my mind-legs a little more often than I've been allowing myself lately.
Concerning the name of the blog, it comes from my ongoing battle against the hipster ideals. If you know me, you know I rag on hipsters pretty often but amazingly I've never been called out on the fact that I'm at least half-hipster myself. Eventually landed on the idea that I'm less a non-hipster and more an anti-hipster, comparable to the anti-hero epithet dropped on characters in that murky, undefined area between hero and villain, and while I'm not the biggest Punisher fan per se, Frank Castle tends to be cast as the anti-hero poster boy (and if there are two words that describe me best, it's murky and undefined). I don't want to make this the focus of the blog but I do want to establish the mindset where I'm coming from.
So I'll fill this space up with mini-essays about what's on my mind, what's pissing me off, reviews of what I've read/seen/played, art posts; all in the name of honing my skills and emptying my head rather than any actual interest in getting my opinion out there. This isn't now a fully-formed idea, even calling it "half-cocked" is probably giving it too much credit, but I've nothing to do here now but jump in and maybe it will take shape over time. Maybe it'll fall by the wayside, or maybe I have before me a solid block of blog I can slowly carve into my snarky, opinionated word-David.
*Oh, I will most definitely swear on here. Just sometimes the censoring makes for a nice aesthetic touch.
*Oh, I will most definitely swear on here. Just sometimes the censoring makes for a nice aesthetic touch.
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